What if

The video was created by a group of HVSS students.

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Alex's Testimonial

Associated School: 

Alex in the first graduate from HVSS.

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Tim Testimonial

Associated School: 

Tim's testimonial.

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Jeff Testimonial

Associated School: 

Jeff's testimonial.

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Matthew Testimonial

Associated School: 

When I wake up, I feel like every day feels like a saturday.  I look forward to coming to school, jut like the students do.

When students first come to school here, they expect the adults to be the authority figures.  It takes them about a year to realize that we all have equal authority.

You will notice that kids that have been here a long time are different than kids at other schools.

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Vanessa Testimonial

Associated School: 

"When I pull in here, when I leave here, there are kids everywhere that are blossoming with energy and excitement.  I think to myself, 'wow, if I can send my kids to a school or if kids can spend time in a school for 13 years where they are happy and they want to go, that is huge.'  That is a huge chunk of their life that is setting up the rest of their life."


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Life After Sudbury

Associated School: 

Interviews with graduates of Hudson Valley Sudbury School.

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Community Responsibility

Associated School: 

The third in our introductory video series.

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Contact Us

Hudson Valley Sudbury School

84 Zena Road
Kingston, NY 12401
Phone: 845-679-1002
Fax: 845-679-3874