The TeamTeam photo
Music NightMusic Night is a monthly fundraising event at the Old Glenford Church. Great music, delectable food and fun. Visit for more info.
Freedom to BeReading in the sun.
BBQ CrowdA group shot after the Graduation ceremony. For more photos visit 2015 End of Year BBQ and Graduation Ceremony
BuildingThe school building from the front.
Age-MixingAge-Mixing has been toted as one of HVSS's secret weapons. Children ages 5-19 mix freely, learning from and inspiring each other.
Potluck with FriendsEating together at the End of Year BBQ. For more photos visit:
Building from the SideThe school building from the side
Pie Eating FunAll ready for the Pie Eating Contest at the End of Year BBQ. For more photos visit:
One on One InstructionOne on one instruction in algebra as requested.
Building from the Back HillThe school building and terrace from the back hill.
GraduationLaughing at the commencement speech at Graduation. For more photos visit:
Ocean ShowImpromptu puppet show
Lounge A panoramic view of the Lounge which is central to the school building and constantly filled with conversation and activity.
Rock n' RollRocking out on one of the big boulders our campus is home too.
BonfireBonfire at a Fall Potluck
The Art RoomThe Art Room is operated by the Art Cooperative and is hubbub of creativity.
The KitchenThe Kitchen is home to a commercial grade stove, convection oven and giant lunch fridge. It also has tables to eat lunch at with friends.
Variety Show DanceSharing her incredible talent for dance at our annual Fall Potluck Variety Show.
Learning to Read The inspiration to learn to read is different for every child. These two want to know what is on the School Meeting agenda and are motivated to figure it out!
Time for LaughterTeenagers, like all of us, need time to breath, laugh, and find themselves. At HVSS they have the time and space to do all three.
Drumming at the Variety ShowSelf taught drummer shows his skills at the Variety Show.
The DenThe den is a place of quiet conversation, chess at our giant chess table, and lots and lots of reading.
InspectionSearching for four leaf clovers - the definition of patience.
LibraryThe large and serene library is a perfect place to curl up with a book.
Variety Show DanceA behind the scenes shot of the annual Variety Show.
Puppet ShowPuppets at the Variety Show.
Happiness in LearningA moment from Spanish class - when students are in control of their education, they bring a sense of joy to their learning.
Music RoomPanoramic view of the Music Room
A Grounded PerspectiveThose, in life, who have developed a solid sense of self are most likely to have a positive perspective.
ScrimmageThe team scrimmaging.
Lounge ExtensionThe lounge extension is often filled with kids focused around a joint activity.
Music Night PlateA plate of food at HVSS Music Night. The best meal for miles! For more info visit
FriendshipDeep and meaningful friendships help students navigate through the difficult job of growing up.
PlayroomA panoramic view of the Playroom which includes a cave, loft, tunnel and magnet wall.
Photography ShowTaking in the photography at the Photography Cooperative's 2015 show Through the Lens at Star House Gallery.
Side RoomsThere are several side rooms, some with couches, some with tables, a black board, desks etc. These rooms fill a variety of needs based on the current student population.
FocusStudents develop incredible focus that is applied to any pursuit, in this case mathematics.
SandboxesOur giant sandboxes lead into the natural playscape.
Artist StatementReading one of the artist statements at the Photography Cooperative's gallery opening.
ColorExperimenting with color.
Through the Lens ArtistsPhotographers and teacher from the Photography Cooperative's show Through the Lens which was the culmination of a 16 week photography course.
Kings of the HillKids are free to be outside when they choose, and they choose to do so all year round!
Back Hill AreaA panoramic view of the terrace, back hill and sandboxes.
Natural PlayscapeOur Natural Playscape includes two sandboxes, a slide that sits atop a stump structure, swings, a stage, treehouse, fairy circle, forts, a rope web, obstacle course, tires, and lots of natural materials for children to create world with.
Building the StageWorking side by side at one of our community builds to construct a stage.
DrawingA fully stocked art room allows for students of all skill levels to pursue their artistic side.
TogetherBeing together.
Inside the PlayscapeA panoramic shot from the inside of the Natural Playscape
Crow's Nest ConstructionWorking at a playscape community build to make a crow's nest.
Rocket ShipBuilding a rocket ship at a community build day.
Living in a DemocracyHVSS is a participatory democracy, each student and staff has an equal vote in the operation of the school. The weekly School Meeting debates and makes decisions on all laws, discretionary spending, field trips, and the hiring of staff. There is no veto power or hierarchy, students have true power and grow up understanding their voice counts.
360 view of the PlayscapeA 360 degree view from the center of our Natural Playscape
ClueThe Theater Cooperative's production of Clue. For more photos visit:
MonopolyA roll of the dice
Playscape from the Crow's NestA panoramic view of the playscape from the crow's nest.
Art WorkshopArt Cooperative members in the midst of an acrylic paint workshop, taught by artist and Staff Member Cindy.
Fairy Path PortalsClimb through this portal to a mossy path to a fairy circle.
Arsenic and Old LaceA moment from the Theater Cooperative's production of Arsenic and Old Lace.
Gaga Ball PitGaga Ball is a popular game at Sudbury these days.
Practicing ShootingPracticing shoots.
Urinetown, the MusicalThe Theater Cooperative's production of Urinetown, the Musical. For more photos visit
Mirrored PairsBoys relaxing, reading, and refreshing their energy.
BasketballRecently the Sports Cooperative installed an in ground basketball hoop. The driveway is also a host of other games such as four square and biking, skateboarding etc..
Bread BakerA small bread baking business was created as a fundraiser for a trip to Europe. After mentoring with Much Mor Bread she continued on her own filling weekly bread orders while at HVSS>
Valentine's Ball Photo BoothValentine's Ball 2015 Photo Booth. For more photos visit:
DJDJ setup at the Valentine's Ball.
GardenThe Garden
Valentine's Ball Mind WarpSeveral of the staff attempting mind control at the Valentine's Ball...It didn't work. For more photos visit:
A Band of RebelsRole-playing games are a constant source of play at HVSS. This band of rebels had a long term game that brought them through history, starting with cave men and advancing though the ages.
Valentine's Ball A crew poses at the 2014 Valentine's Ball. For more photos visit:
Inside the GardenThe garden, a sanctuary, and a delicious place to snack on fresh veggies in the spring.
Self ReflectionBoredom is celebrated at HVSS. It is in these moments of self reflection that people are able to find themselves.
Two Guys Wallets and Ties...and RosesDuct Tape entrepreneurs Two Guys Wallets and Ties added roses to their repertoire for the 2015 Winter Gift Sale.
Civilization CreationOne year the entire field was filled with mini civilizations created with natural objects. Each participant had their own creation along side communal ones like the one pictured here.
Working in the GardenThe Garden Cooperative maintains a robust garden full of vegetables and flowers.
Simply aMaeZingStudent vendor Simply aMAEzing works on packaging her goods.
The FieldThe playing field sees a lot of action, from soccer and frisbee to searching for four leaf clovers.
Zone of Proximal DevelopmentThose who have just learned a skill are better qualified to teach it.
Leftie LucieLeftie Lucie, a student vendor at the Winter Gift Sale, with some of her products.
Winter TrailsThe school sits on a blue stone quarry with lots of trails through the woods.
Conversation Conversation is a cornerstone of the Sudbury philosophy. At HVSS children have time to talk to each other and the staff about every topic under the sun.
Lia and MattiseStudent Vendors at the 2014 Winter Gift Sale.
Winter Gift Sale Photo BoothPhotos from the Winter Gift Sale photo booth run by the Photography Cooperative.
The WoodsMost of the 67 acres of property surrounding the building is wooded, a perfect landscape for fort building.
Winter Gift SaleOne of the vendor tables at the Winter Gift Sale, an annual fundraising event in which the building is full of talented craft vendors, yummy food and baked goods.
Self DirectionThis devoted musician built his own guitar.
FishingFishing on a 2 day overnight family camping trip to Vanderkamp in the Finger Lakes.
Creative PlayThe shade and stumps of our slide structure are a perfect landscape for creative play.
Sunset Fishing Sunset fishing on a 2 day overnight family camping trip to Vanderkamp in the Finger Lakes.
Mixed age sportsSports are played daily at HVSS. Teams are mixed ages and filled with healthy competition.
Ropes CourseWorking together on the ropes course on a 2 day overnight family camping trip to Vanderkamp in the Finger Lakes.
Cutting EdgeStudents have access to technology with the time to research, game and code. Most computer pursuits are a social scene bubbling with excitement and cooperation.
More shooting practicePractice, practice, practice...
Book CarnivalClifford reading a book at the Sudbury Book Carnival. For more photos visit:
SocializationTime to socialize is crucial and often overlooked.
Dungeons & DragonsDelving into the strategy of Dungeons & Dragons character development.
Spring DanceDancing at the Spring Dance.
SupportWhat is impossible alone becomes triumph together.
Secret Santa ExchangeVery excited group ready for the Secret Santa Gift Exchange. For more photos visit:
Bowl'a'ramaBowling at Bowl'a'rama, family friendly fundraiser.
Reading at Their Own PaceGiven the time, space, and support, children at HVSS learn to read at their own pace.
TinkeringOne of the several Tinkering Cooperative "Take Apart Days".
Blown - Trick PhotographyOne of the HVSS Photography Cooperative's assignments for their intensive photography class was trick photography - this is one of the final images.
2014-15 Group PhotosThe majority of our Students and Staff from 2014-15 school year.
ScrimmagingMore scrimmaging
Scrimmaging 3Scrimmaging in the cold.
Noa CoachingNoa giving some coaching to the team.
StretchingGetting ready for practice.
DrillingDoing some pushups. Later they do this while dribbling.
Noa ShootingNoa shooting
Practicing DefenseSetting up the defense.
AmeliaAmelia is one of the members of the team.
More CoachingSome coaching from Noa
Running BurnersBurners. Not fun.
Desmond Defining NoaDesmond defending Noa.
Hudson Valley Sudbury School